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Subscriber Plugin

=== Subscriber Plugin ===
Author :basic-cms.org
Donate :Paypal [email protected]

Requires at least: 0.3.0
Tested up to: 1.2.5
Stable tag: maillist,subscribe

Allow your customer subscribe your email,which post when product update,site update etc.
== Description ==
simple website market plugin.
Some features:
* one click install
* post email under email server limit.

== Installation ==
1. Unzip into your "/_plugin/" directory. If you are uploading it make sure to upload
the top-level folder. Don just upload all the php files and put them in "/_plugin/".

2. Install the plugin through the Plugin menu in SweetRice Dashboard
3. Click the link of Plugin. 
4. Thats it!

For upgrading please download lastest version and overwrite old file without install.lock.

MD5:48e9234a9fe978a9006f818093faef16? upgrade to 1.2.5

Post Detail
Last UpdateJun,27,2010 Views : 5436
Tag Subscriber Plugin

Total 0 User Comments

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