Simple is beautiful - SweetRice Official website.

Welcome SweetRice.xyz and say goodbye to basic-cms.org

12 years ago(2009.4.12),i created SweetRice CMS and basic-cms.org was the SweetRice official domain,because i think SweetRice is a BASIC CMS for simple website,in past few years no better option until i see lot of new ltd available ,eg xyz,after research 2 hours i decide to use SweetRice.xyz to replace basic-cms.org,time to say goodbye to basic-cms.org and welcome SweetRice.xyz.

At mobile internet ear ,domain name is not the first reason for developer success ,why do not choose a better domain for your project? yes i do.

basic-cms.org will be expired next year,i want to say Thanks!


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Last UpdateJul,11,2021 Views : 2723
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