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SweetRice 1.3.2 released

SweetRice 1.3.2 released - first time supports multiple website management.

Change log V1.3.2 08/18/2012
core update
    add option function
    update alter function
    update 404 page
    add error_report page
    update close_tip page
    supports multiple sites - all site config data will be in _sites directory
    save some data to database include
        permalinks.php => permalinks_system
        url_redirect.txt => redirectList
        plugin install.lock => plugin_installed
    supports custom permalinks for custom page include manage by plugins
    supports toggle multiple theme
    add comment reply date - this value will be update when webmaster reply user's comment
    change database backup directory from dashboard to sites directory
theme update
    add mobile theme
    remove wblog theme from default parkage
    replace ajax.js to public.js and add some function

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Last UpdateAug,19,2012 Views : 4361
Tag SweetRice 1.3.2

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