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SweetRice free download

SweetRice free download - Lastest version 1.7.0

SweetRice is a most simple program for website management.Perfect support web standards,easy to setup and use.best value is SEO.Support 3 kinds of database:Mysql,Sqlite,PostgreSql,support database time line..

SweetRice 1.7.0 released - support PHP 8.0+

If you upload the latest file to your website manually,please remember update database,learn more sweetrice/upgrade_db.php

Recommended to upgrade by manually mode because download url has been replaced!!!

Important notice:please upload [DASHBOARD_DIR]/lib/do_update.php before online upgrade

5 steps install SweetRice

  1. Unzip the package and upload everything to website root directory[root dir].
  2. Open http://yourdomain/[rootdir]/ in your browser,accept the GPL license and jump to install form.
  3. Chmod directory inc,attachment,and root / permision to 755[if necessary]
  4. Enter your website ,database and administrator information and submit form.
  5. Login to dashboard and enjoy SweetRice.


SweetRice change log:


Change log V1.7.0 03/12/2023


core update

support php8.0

update SweetRice.js

upgrade TinyMCE

update image upload method

update MySQL support UTF8MB4

Change log V1.6.2 12/05/2019
core update
support php7.4
update SweetRice.js

Change log V1.6.1 02/13/2018
core update
    add form checker feature

Change log V1.6.0 10/31/2017
core update
    update SweetRice.js
    update inc/function.php database connection class
    add redis cache support
    fix some bugs
    PostgreSQL insert data returning SERIAL FILED for last insert id
Change log V1.5.1 12/20/2015
core update
    tinyMCE upgrade to 4.3.x
    support function_custom.php for custom anything
    change default mysql connect function to mysqli
    update image upload
Change log V1.5.0 12/06/2015
core update
    add BASE_DIR for cookie - access from meta
    custom field supports more option
    upgrade tag : add tag_posts keyword to %--%_option,this update will be load tag page faster then before.
    add plugin App for website developer
    remove subscriber plugin from defalut system
    media & media center supports multiple file upload
    add website transfer feature - one click transfer data to new hosting
    add form management for default plugin App
    change comment_form to default theme directory
    add form support to default theme
    add post pagebreak
    add mail function supports attachment add param attachments
    all new design support mobile management
    add set_custom_data function : save custom data to table item_data
    add mysql support for PHP 7 use mysqli
    plugin description : supports multiple language
    add transfer website to other hosting
    add database backup upload
    support plugin/theme upload/fetch/delete
    one click change theme
    add quick insert image to post_modify management
    upload file support unzip
    one click change dashboard background
public.js to SweetRice.js and update below
    remove $ selector only use _
    add scrolltop scrollleft function
    add touch function - supports mobile device
    add javascript event like click,change etc.

SweetRice download


Lastest version 1.7.0

You can checkout SweetRice from github:

git clone https://github.com/sweetrice/SweetRice

How to upgrade?

There are two ways to upgrade SweetRice since 1.0.0:

1,Upload files manually,you can easy to update your SweetRice,download and upload the lastest file to overwrite old php file.

Notice for update : do not overwrite your config file,which inc/db.php, inc/site.php , inc/category.php ,inc/install.lock , link .txt if exists and any .dat file.

2,Use SweetRice new features - Update itself

Easy to be installed and used.

Post Detail
Last UpdateNov,07,2011 Views : 55061
Tag SweetRice download
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