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SweetRice upgrade to 0.6.1

SweetRice upgrade to 0.6.1 at 2010-3-13,some upgrade notice is here

Upgrade Dashborad



Fix : if get_magic_quotes_gpc = ON,data insert error.



* Important :when php setting get_magic_quotes_gpc = ON,php automatic escape string and add backslash before single-quote and  double quote,but SweetRice [since 0.6.0 ]  custom function for escape string,so must filter the backslash,if your php setting get_magic_quotes_gpc = ON ,you may need upgrade SweetRice 0.6.1 version.


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Last UpdateMar,19,2010 Views : 4226
Tag SweetRice upgrade 0.6.1 database optimizer
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