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SweetRice 1.4.0 what's new

You may want to upgrade SweetRice using online upgrade feature,we want it too,but there is a bug when update files which does't exists on the server,so we must update [YOUR DASHBOARD DIR]/lib/do_update.php manually,the file is listed at the attachment section below.

just download the zip file and unzip,upload do_update.php to your server,other things will be very easy,just go to Dashboard / Update click check update,download files,update files,update database,clean temp file,every thing will be success. You can upgrade using automatically mode too.

What's new for SweetRice 1.4.0?

Which trouble will stops you when upgrade to 1.4.0?

About web browser support

We must say goodbye to IE7 and below,IE8? IE9? maybe you want to use IE 10 and above or Firefox,Chrome,because standard web browser will save your many time,save time is save money.

When error stops you,how to get help?

just give us a comment or email with error message or screenshot,maybe we can help you.

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Last UpdateFeb,01,2014 Views : 4714
Tag SweetRice 1.4.0 upgrade

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